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ὀπηδ-ός , , Dor. ὀπα_δός , which is also the usual form in Trag. and Prose (v. infr.) (neither form occurs in Hom., though ὀπηδός may be inferred from ὀπηδέω),
II. as Adj., c. dat., following, accompanying, attending,ἐγὼ Μούσῃσιν ὀπηδόςh.Merc.450 ; πτεροῖς ὀπαδοῖς ὕπνου κελεύθοις following the ways of sleep (ὀπαδοῦσ᾽ following on wing the ways of sleep, cj. Dobree), A.Ag.426 (lyr.); “σταγόνα σπονδῖτιν, θυέεσσιν ὀπηδόνAP 6.190 (Gaet.).—Poet. word, used by Pl.Phdr.252c, Phlb.63e, and in late Prose, Phld. (v. supr.), Plu.Alc.23, Jul.Or.4.157a (ὀπηδός Ant. Lib.7.7).
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