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κόρη , , orig. κόρϝα (v. infr. B), with κόρ-η even in Att. Prose and Trag. dialogue; Dor. and Aeol. κόρα , Ar.Lys.1308 (lyr.), Alc.14, also Trag. in lyr. as A.Supp.145, S.OT508, E.Tr.561, and in the pr. n.: κούρα Pi.O.13.65, and twice in Trag. (in lyr.), v. infr. 1.3: Ion. κούρη , as always in Hom. (κόρη first in h.Cer.439): Dor. also κώρα Theoc.6.36, also Boeot., Corinn.Supp.1.48, 2.60 (but
1. girl, “ἠΰτε κούρη νηπίη θ᾽ ἅμα μητρὶ θέουσ᾽ ἀνελέσθαι ἀνώγειIl.16.7; “μήτε παῖδα μήτε κόρανSchwyzer 324.12 (Delph., iv B. C.); “ἔτεκε κόρανIG42 (1).121.22 (Epid.); with reference to virginity, maiden, “κόρην . . οὐκέτ᾽, ἀλλ᾽ ἐζευγμένηνS.Tr.536; “παῖς κ.Ar.Lys.595, D.21.79 codd.; “παρθενικὴ κ.E.Epigr.2; “ἀδελφὴ κ.Th.6.56; “ἀνεδέξαντο τὰς κόρας πέμψειν ἐν ἼλιονSchwyzer 366 A2 (Tolophon, iii B. C.); of Nymphs, Pi.P.3.78; ἐνάλιοι κ. sea-nymphs, Ar.Th.325 (lyr.): Com., πρέσβειρα πεντήκοντα Κωπᾴδων κορᾶν, of eels, Id.Ach.883; τευθὶς καὶ Φαληρικὴ κ., i.e. ἀφύη, Eub.75.4; of maiden-goddesses, however old, as the Eumenides, A.Eu.68, S.OC127 (lyr.); the Phorcids, A.Pr.794; the Sphinx, S.OT508 (lyr.); the Fates, Pl.R.617d.
2. of a bride, Od.18.279; young wife, Il.6.247, E.Or.1438 (lyr.), Hdn.3.10.8; or concubine, as Briseis, Il.1.98, 337, 2.689; καταχύσματα . . κατάχει τοῦ νυμφίου καὶ τῆς κ. the bride, Theopomp.Com.14; of a ἑταίρα, AP5.4 (Stat.Flacc.), 219 (Agath.).
3. with gen. of a pr. n. added, daughter, “νύμφαι κοῦραι ΔιόςIl.6.420, cf. Sapph.65, E.Hel.168 (lyr.), Andr.897, etc.; κ. Διός, of Athene, A.Eu.415; Λητῴα κόρη, of Artemis, Id.Fr.170, S.El.570; κ. Ἰναχεία, κ. Θεστιάς, A.Pr.589, E.Hel.133; Γῆς τε καὶ Σκότου κόραι, i.e. the Furies, S.OC40; in Thess. Prose, Αἰσχυλὶς Σατύροι (gen.) “κόραIG9(2).1035 (Gyrton): without gen., Berl.Sitzb. 1927.7 (Locr., V B.C.): in voc., κούρα my daughter, A.Th.148, S.OC 180 (both lyr.); “κόραιAr.Pax119.
4. metaph., of a colony, “Κύμης κ.Hom.Epigr.1.2; of newly-launched ships, Lyc.24.
II. puppet, doll, as a child's plaything, Hyp.Fr.199 (v. infr. v), D.Chr.31.153; small votive image, Pl.Phdr.230b.
III. pupil of the eye, because a little image appears therein (v. Pl.Alc.1.133a), “κύκλοπα κούρηνEmp.84.8, cf. S.Fr.710, E.Hec.972, al., Ar.V.7, Hp.Prorrh.2.20, Gal.UP10.4, Ruf.Onom.23; “αἱ καλούμεναι κ.IG42(1).122.67 (Epid., iv B. C.); K. κόσμου, title of Hermetic tract, Stob.1.49.44 tit.
IV. long sleeve reaching over the hand, X.HG2.1.8.
V. the Attic drachma, because it bore a head of Athena, misinterpr. of Hyp.l.c. ap. Poll.9.74.
VI. = ὑπέρεικον, Hp. ap. Gal.19.113.
VII. Archit., female figures as supports, Caryatids, “τοὺς λίθους . . τοὺς ἐπὶ τῶν κορῶνIG12.372.86 (Erechtheum).
B. Κόρη , Dor. Κόρα (Cret. Κώρα GDI5047), Ion. Κούρη , Arc.(?) Κόρϝα IG5(2).554 (provenance unknown), :—the Daughter (of Demeter), Persephone, τῇ Μητρὶ καὶ τῇ Κόρῃ (v.l. Κούρῃ) Hdt.8.65; “ναὶ τὰν ΚόρανAr.V.1438; Δημήτηρ καὶ K. Id.Th.298, X.HG6.3.6, IG2.1217, etc.; “τῆς Κόρης ἁρπασθείσηςIsoc.4.28: less freq. K. “ΔήμητροςE.Alc.358, cf. Ar.Ra.337; K. “τὴν Διὸς καὶ ΔήμητροςIsoc.10.20.
II. Δηοῦς κ., in Com., = flour, Antiph.52.9; so “μεμαγμένη Δήμητρος κ.Eub.75.10.
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