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φώς , gen. φωτός, : dual φῶτε, φωτοῖν: pl. φῶτες, φωτῶν, φωσί: poet. Noun (Com., only paratrag., as Ar.Pax528, or pseudo-orac., Diph.126.3 (hex.); also in late Prose, PRyl.77.34 (ii A. D.)):—, sts. coupled with ἀνήρ, δύο δ᾽ οὔπω φῶτε πεπύσθην, ἀνέρε κυδαλίμω . . Il. 17.377; “ἀλλότριος φ.5.214, cf. 11.462, 614, al.; in gen., equivalent to a possessive pronoun, his,χρόα φωτός4.139, al.; in Trag. either of heroes, as A.Th.499, S.Ant.107 (lyr.), or of men generally, A. Pers.242 (troch.); “φῶτ᾽ ἄδικονId.Ag.398 (lyr.); φ. ἀνόσιος, ἀμαυρός, S.OC281,1018; σκῆπτρα φωτός, i.e. ἐμοῦ, ib.1109; joined with other Nouns, “φῶτ᾽ Ἀσκληπιοῦ υἱόνIl.4.194, cf. 21.546, Od.21.26; “φωτί . . δέκτῃ4.247; “φῶτες ΑἰγεΐδαιPi.P.5.75; “κλωπὸς φωτόςE.Rh. 709.
II. man, opp. woman, Od.6.129, S.Ant.910, Tr.177, etc.; but δύ᾽ οἰκτρὼ φῶτε, of a man and his wife, E.Hel.1094; so of lovers, AP5.248.5 (Iren.).
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