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ἑορτάζω , in Ion.Prose ὁρτάζω: impf. ἑώρταζον (with irreg. augm.) Isoc.19.40, Paus.4.19.4: fut.
A.-άσωLuc.Merc.Cond.16, Alciphr.3.18, etc.: aor. “ἑώρτασαD.C.48.34, etc.; inf. “ἑορτάσαιAr.Ach.1079, Pl. R.458a; cf. διεορτάζω: (ἑορτή):—keep festival or holiday, Hdt.2.60, 122, E.IT1458, etc.; ἑορτὰς . celebrate festivals, X.Ath.3.2; “ἡμέρας τέτταραςPlu.Cam.42; “τὴν γενέθλιόν τινοςOGI493.26 (Ephesus, ii A.D.); “. τῷ θεῷLuc.Anach.23.
II. celebrate as a festival, νίκην . celebrate it by a festival, Plu.2.349f, cf. Ant.56; at Rome, celebrate by a triumph, D.C.51.21.
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