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Ἔρεβος , τό : Att. gen.
A.ἘρέβουςAr.Av.694, Ion. “ἘρέβευςIl.8.368, Od.11.37, Ἐρέβεσφιν or Ἐρέβευσφιν, Hes.Th.669, h.Cer.349, “ἐξ Ἐρεβ-Il.9.572 : no dat. or pl. occurs:—Erebos, a place of nether darkness, forming a passage from Earth to Hades, Il.16.327, Od.10.528, al., Hes.Th.515, etc. ; rare in Prose, Pl.Ax.371e, Plu.2.953a, 1130d : metaph., . ὕφαλον the darkness of the deep, S.Ant.589(lyr.) ; of a riddle, “ἀξυνέτοις .AP7.429 (Alc.).
II. personified, Hes.Th. 125. (Skt. rájas, Goth. riqis, ONorse røkkr 'darkness'.)
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