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ὅριον , τό,
A.= ὅρος, Dim. only in form, boundary, limit, Hp.Off.3, Schwyzer664.4 (Orchom. Arc., iv B.C.), Epigr.Gr.978.12 (Philae), POxy.2134.18 (ii A.D.): mostly in pl., boundaries, bounds, frontier, E.Tr.375, D.18.230, PCair.Zen.251.3(iii B.C.), Supp.Epigr.3.378B11 (Delph., ii/i B.C.) ; ἐπὶ τοῖς . on the frontier, Th.2.12, And.1.45 ; ὅρια κελεύθου limits of a road, i.e. the road itself, S.Fr.721 (dub.); “μὴ κινείτω γῆς . μηδείςPl.Lg.842e ; territories, LXXEx.10.4, al.
2. Astrol., a subdivision of a zodiacal sign, appropriated to a planet, Ptol. Tetr.43, S.E.M.5.37, PMag.Lond.46.48, PTeb.277.15, Heph.Astr. 1.1, Man.2.166,4.265.
II. pl., rules, e.g. for the use of wine, Hp. Liqu.5.
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