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λοιπός , ή, όν, (λείπω)
A.remaining over, not in Hom., freq.from Pi. and Hdt. downwards; “λ. βίοτοςPi.O.1.97; λ.εὐχαί ib.4.15; λ.γένος ib.2.15; also λοιποί descendants, Id.I.4(3).39: in Prose the Art. is commonly added, and λ. either agrees with the Noun or takes a dependent genitive, “αἱ λ. τῶν νεῶνTh.7.72; τὴν λοιπὴν (sc. ὁδὸν)“ πορευσόμεθαX.An.3.4.46; τὸ λ. τῆς ἡμέρας ib.16, etc.
2. λοιπόν [ἐστι] c. inf., it remains to show, etc., ἀποδεικνύναι, διελέσθαι, etc., Id.Smp.4.1, Pl.R.466d, etc.: also c. Art., τὸ λ. ἤδη ἡμῖν ἐστι σκέψασθαι, πότερον what remains for us is to . . , ib.444e; διανομὴ τοίνυν τὸ λ. σοι ib.535a: without inf., δὲ λ. quod superest, A.Ag.1571 (lyr.); “ τι λ. πόνωνId.Pr.684; “τὸ εὐπρεπείας πέρι . . λοιπόνPl.Phdr.274b.
3. freq. of Time, λ. χρόνος the future, Pi.N.7.67; “πρὸς τὸν λοιπὸν τοῦ χρόνουD.15.16; τὸν λ. χρόνον for the future, S.Ph.84; “τοῦ λ. χρόνουId.El.817; “εἰς τὸν λ. χρόνονPl.Ep.358b; “ἐκ τοῦ λ. χρόνουD.59.46: so without Subst. in neut., τὸ λ. henceforward, hereafter, Pi.P.5.118, A.Eu.1031, S.OT795, etc.; “τὸ λ. εἰς ἅπαντα . . χρόνονA.Eu.763; “τὰ λ.Id.Th.66, S.El.1226, Th.8.21; “ἐς τὸ λ.A.Pers.526, Eu.708, cf. Inscr.Prien.64 (ii B. C.); also “τοῦ λ.Hdt.1.189, Ar.Pax1084; “ἐκ τοῦ λ.X. HG3.4.9; “ἐκ τῶν λ.Pl.Lg.709e, Ep.316d; καθεύδετε τὸ λ. sleep now . . , Ev.Matt.26.45, Ev.Marc.14.41; ἑσπέρα δὲ ἦν λ. καὶ . . it was now evening, Jul.Or.1.24c.
4. τὸ λ. and τὰ λ. the rest, A.Pr.476, 697, 699. etc.; καὶ τὰ λ., = 'etc.', Aristeas 190, Plu.2.1084c, etc.; also λοιπόν without the Art., as Adv., for the rest, further, and so freq., = ἤδη, already, “λ. δήPl.Prt.321c; “αἰσχρὸν δὴ τὸ λ. γίγνεταιId.Grg. 458d.
5. λοιπόν, Adv. then, well then, Plb.1.15.11, al., Dsc.2.83, Arr.Epict.1.24.1; “οὐδεμία λ. ἀμφισβήτησίς ἐστινBGU969.19 (ii A. D.).
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